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In Ingress, your XM bar is displayed immediately above your level and agent name at the top of the screen. It's also immediately below the very subtle AP bar that shows you how close you are to the next level (the AP bar is less subtle on a 10" tablet). If you're a gamer, you can think of XM in Ingress as serving as both your HP (health points) and MP (magic points).

You require XM to perform every action in the game. Deploying resonators, making links, attacking resonators and recharging resonators all require XM. If you hack or attack an enemy portal, it will attack you back, draining your XM. If you run out, you need to get more by walking through a cloud of free floating XM, recycling items, or by using a power cube.

There is XM everywhere, especially near portals. The level of the portal will determine how much XM is around it. XM will reappear after 15 minutes. If there are people walking in a group, they will all get XM.

The amount of XM you can keep at any one time depends on your level.

Level Maximum XM Level Maximum XM
1 3,000 9 10,900
2 4,000 10 11,700
3 5,000 11 12,400
4 6,000 12 13,000
5 7,000 13 13,500
6 8,000 14 13,900
7 9,000 15 14,200
8 10,000 16 14,400
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Page last modified on September 30, 2014, at 11:58 PM