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Write to Van Loan:

The Honourable Peter Van Loan
Minister of Public Safety

Parliament Hill Office
Room 157
East Block
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

T 613-996-7752
F 613-992-8351

Constituency Office
45 Grist Mill Road, Unit 10
Holland Landing, Ontario
L9N 1M7 ... in the Grist Mill Plaza,
Mount Albert Road between Old Yonge Street and 2nd Concession

T 905-898-1600 or 1-877-738-3748
F 905-898-4600

Re:Despicable. (Score:5, Informative)
by Tanktalus (794810) on Thursday June 18, @07:07PM (#28382353) Journal

In regards to a proposed new bill:

The point of laws regarding privacy, and court-sanctioned warrants overriding privacy, is not to make it easier for the police to solve crimes, but to weigh carefully the right to privacy on one hand and the reasonable evidence pointing to a particular suspect requiring further information on the other. The police, being human beings, can easily get emotionally attached to the pursuit of an individual, and invade what could easily turn out to be an innocent person's privacy. The whole point of a warrant being issued by a judge is for oversight to ensure that the police aren't cutting corners prior to actually invading someone's privacy.

By removing this level of oversight, I feel we are going in the wrong direction on personal liberties and freedoms.

It's not that I have an issue with ISPs keeping logs, the same way corporations are supposed to keep account of their transactions in case of an audit. But it requires some oversight to keep the police from accessing just anyone's account without reasonable evidence otherwise. As long as the logs are protected by similar privacy laws that any other aspect of citizens' private lives, and only released under proper court warrants, the police continue to have the tools they need to pursue internet crimes while continuing to protect citizens' privacy, thereby protecting liberties and freedoms we all enjoy.

I hope you will incorporate proper privacy protections in this bill, requiring the police to act the same as they do with any other aspect of our private lives.

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Page last modified on June 19, 2009, at 04:27 PM