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GIMP's Resynthesizer Plugin Beats "Content Aware Fill" by years

Re:I'm sure... (Score:5, Informative) by Zaiff Urgulbunger (591514) writes: on Wednesday May 05, @10:17AM (#32097730)

I installed it pretty easy under Ubuntu (9.10): $ sudo apt-get install gimp-resynthesizer However, when I first tried using it, I was using the Filter->Map->Resynthesize... menu option which kind of works, but isn't so great. I had to google to find a good explanation of how to use it. What you should do is: 1. Install as above, 2. Select area of image to remove, 3. Use Filters->Enhance->Smart remove selection...

And to be clear about this - it is fucking awesome. Seriously! I'm not usually _that_ impressed with things (I'm far too old!), but this goes into total witch-craft territory, it is *that* good!

If anyone has managed to install this plugin under Windows, I'd like to know the instructions for doing so (not for me... it's for my *friends*... honest!!!).

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Page last modified on May 05, 2010, at 09:21 PM