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Main: ZenburnColorProfile

Zenburn (Score:5, Informative) by DarkDust (239124) * <> on Thursday July 03 2008, @09:33AM (#24042623) Homepage

I love Zenburn. I use it on all my machines now and at work.

But there is one thing you should do in your .vimrc prior to setting :colorscheme zenburn, and that is forcing the use of 256 colors:

:set t_Co=256

Also I found that the search highlighting wasn't visible enough for my taste, so I tuned it. After :colorscheme zenburn I have:

:hi search ctermbg=223 ctermfg=238
:hi incsearch ctermbg=216 ctermfg=242

And if you like to have a little more contrast, then insert the following before your :colorscheme zenburn:

:let g:zenburn_high_Contrast = 1

which together makes for this:

:set t_Co=256
:let g:zenburn_high_Contrast = 1
:colorscheme zenburn
:hi search ctermbg=223 ctermfg=238
:hi incsearch ctermbg=216 ctermfg=242
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