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Main: WeirdFacts

(and Shocking Facts)

(CNISP) estimates 250,000 people a year in Canada will become infected with a nosocomial infection.[4] He also stated that 8,000 to 12,000 people will die from nosocomial infections every year. Next to heart disease, cancer and stroke, these numbers would make nosocomial infections the fourth leading cause of death in Canada.

[4] Dr. Dick Zoutman, M.D., F.R.C.P.C, Personal Communication August 24, 2005

Who Really Invented the Telephone?

Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature

The Straight Dope: Could you be frozen solid, then broken into a million pieces?

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives | Psychology Today (liberals control all institutions)

The Straight Dope: What's the purpose of bags of water hanging in restaurants?

Family Planning: Improving Reproductive Health: UNFPA "more than 50 million of the 190 million women who become pregnant each year have abortions"

Those who survived the immediate atomic blasts but were near Ground Zero died at a high rate from excess exposure to radiation. The tens of thousands more distant from Ground Zero, and who received lower exposures to radiation, did not die in droves. To the contrary, and surprisingly, they outlived their counterparts in the general population who received no exposure to radiation from the blasts. (keywords: Nagasaki)

[Water acquires special properties when it] enters what is known as a supercritical condition or fourth phase. This occurs when its temperature and pressure are above 374 degrees and 221 bar respectively. The phase is additional to the more familiar solid, liquid and gaseous phases.
New wave in clean water - The Irish Times - Fri, Feb 25, 2011

Nerenberg Lecture 2011 - Gerald H. Pollack - Wednesday, March 30 at 7:30 PM in Conron Hall - The University of Western Ontario Gerald H. Pollack lectures about another phase of water that occurs near hydrophilic surfaces.

Deaths per TWH by energy source

Coal Kills More People Than Nuclear Power – AltTransport: Your Guide to Smarter Ways of Getting Around - The Chart That Should Accompany Every Discussion of Deficits - Friday, May 13, 2011

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Page last modified on May 18, 2011, at 07:53 PM