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Main: TheHumanBrain

Re:I see it coming... (Score:4, Insightful)
by mcvos (645701) on Thursday December 10, @04:59AM (#30386222)

Why is this modded as troll? It's actually quite truthful. I was diagnosed with aspergers as a teen. This was after my parents kicked me off home when I was 11 years old and per government requirements, I had to go to a different school (which was mostly so that the people there could diagnose me). Later I was moved to normal school, with "aspergers syndrome" stamped on me as a result.

Later I read about it and most of the things just doesn't fit.

Whenever psychologists and other "experts" describe Asperger's, I recognise absolutely nothing about it. But when someone who has it describes it, I recognise everything. Best description I ever heard was in social situations feeling like an anthropologist on Mars. You know what's going on, you can analyse and understand it, but you're not really part of it. You don't have an intuitive feel for it like others do. That's me. I recognise that completely. Social situations are hard work for me (or I just ignore them). But other than that, I have no problem functioning normally.

But as soon as a psychologist opens his mouth about Asperger's, it turns into some disability that other people have.

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Page last modified on December 11, 2009, at 02:43 PM