From quine's wiki

Main: SourceCodeManagement

Making Sense of Revision-Control Systems

The version control timeline (from the Plastic SCM blog)


Git - Basic Branching and Merging

Eclipse Git Plugin

Branching and merging with git (tutorial)

Git Cheat Sheet

Linus Torvalds on Git, KDE and design decisions

Why Git is Better Than X

Why Git Ain’t Better Than X « Unspecified Behaviour

git - How to stash only one file out of multiple files that have changed - Stack Overflow

how can I git stash a specific file? - Stack Overflow

git ready » temporarily ignoring files

How to undo the last Git commit? - Stack Overflow (See the second answer)

version control - Undo 'git add' before commit - Stack Overflow

gup: A friendlier git pull --rebase – Jason Codes

$ command line ruby cheat sheets (for git)

GitHub - DanielVartanov/willgit: Miscellaneous Git Tools (Including git-wtf). Mirror of William Morgan's repo at
willgit/git-wtf at master · DanielVartanov/willgit · GitHub (Description of what the git-wtf tool is and does)


Branching with Eclipse and CVS (2 parts)
Command-line CVS Branch and Merge example


First, you need to make sure you're working on the correct branch before you make changes. You can switch between branches by right-clicking on the project in the left-hand panel and selecting Replace With > Another Branch or Version. This will show any branches you've created, plus the main HEAD branch. The project's icon should show the name of the current branch, if one other than HEAD has been selected.

Once you have the branch checked out, you can synchronize with it as usual to check your modifications in and out. You can also switch between branches as often as you'd like, but make sure all your changes are committed first or they'll be overwritten.

When you're ready to merge changes from one branch to another, first switch to the target branch -- the one you're merging into. Then right-click on the project, select Team > Merge, and input the name of the branch and its starting tag. You'll need to resolve any conflicts by using the Synchronize view.

The Eclipse documentation has a lot of useful information on working with CVS, by the way; it's in the Workbench User Guide. Hope this helps!

-- David Wahler

Rational ClearCase

Cleartool lshistory command documentation

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Page last modified on September 06, 2016, at 05:50 PM