From quine's wiki

Main: Microsoft

"Microsoft Killed My Pappy" - Slashdot (rubycodez shares 8 reasons to hate Microsoft)

"Microsoft Killed My Pappy" - Slashdot (VortexCortex shares more)

Google Blocks YouTube App On Windows Phone (Again) - Slashdot (Has Microsoft repented on any of these things yet?)

Microsoft Surface Review: a Tale of Two Tablets - Slashdot (Why is Windows 8 described as "scary"?)

First Impressions of Windows 8 Powered Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 - Slashdot: In memoriam: Microsoft's previous strategic mobile partners

Bill Gates Takes the Stand In WordPerfect Trial - Slashdot (Quotes from Trials with Microsoft)

23-Year-Old Chess Grandmaster Whips Bill Gates In 71 Seconds - Slashdot (The most important software deal in history)

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Page last modified on February 24, 2014, at 08:12 PM