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Main: AskGoodQuestionsWhenItsYourTurnInAnInterview

Basic rule (Score:5, Insightful)
by dkleinsc (563838) on Sunday August 09, @09:59AM (#29002151)

You want your question to demonstrate your ability to do the job as well as allow you to assess your future bosses and coworkers. So technical questions like "What version control system do you use?" or "What kind of backup system would I be expected to maintain?" are good for talking to technically-oriented managers. For non-technical managers, some good questions might be "How does my work get tested before getting sent out to the users?" and "How are project schedules determined, and what approaches are typically used to keep projects on schedule?".

"What keeps you up at night?"

The Joel Test

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Page last modified on August 14, 2009, at 09:56 PM